Fare x Bene / Italy

Who are they ?
The general mission of Fare X Bene is to combat all types of harassment, especially among the social categories most prone to discrimination, such as women, children or people with disabilities.
During the year 2021/2022: Thanks to the support of BNP Paribas Cardif, Fare X Bene has developed a new project for teenagers called “Lovvati, un passo alla volta” (“Love yourself, little by little”) to educate them on topics such as nutrition, sport, but also self-esteem and self-knowledge. Accepting and loving others is the first step! 33,032 people (adolescents and their families) have benefited from Fare X Bene interventions in 3 years.

Why did we choose to join forces with Fare x Bene ?
- Fare X Bene is a reliable and competent organization, which works directly in the field with middle school students in disadvantaged areas. BNL is also partnering with Fare X Bene on the subject of cyber-bullying.
- Fare X Bene acts to change habits in the long term by empowering children to provide them with the right tools and knowledge.
- Fare X Bene gives you the opportunity to become a project volunteer as part of the 1M2H program (reserved for BNP Paribas employees).