Find Your Way!

Source : BNP Paribas validated by Rouen University Hospital

Activité physique et sport pour les enfants

Good to know

The list of establishments offering this support is available to families via the website of the Health Insurance ( After a three-point assessment – psychological, dietary, physical activity – each child will receive personalised support, with follow-up appointments and regular check-ups.

  • In order for the child to access the programme, it must be prescribed by his or her general practitioner who can also provide an introductory document “Find your course!” offering simple advice and tricks, applicable to all families: avoid pressure around diet and weight, do not overload the plates, keep sugary drinks and fatty foods for festive days,  Moving while having fun…
  • The support has been designed for children from the age of 3 because it is essential to act as early as possible to establish good habits: diet, physical activity, relationship with food, etc. The closer puberty gets, the greater the risk that an overweight child will remain so in adulthood. It is not a question of dieting but of the implementation of a healthy and balanced lifestyle, which can also be adapted to family life. The school doctor or doctor working in a PMI can also recommend the “Find your course!” program following a calculation of the child’s BMI and/or height/weight curve.