Dr. Raffaella Cancello


Member of the Obesity team – Auxologico Ariosto


2008 – today

Italian Auxological Institute, Ariosto Auxological Institute and Biochemistry Research Center. Research on Human Obesity and Fat Cell Biology, Milan.

2003 – 2006

Post-doctoral student-researcher position at INSERM (“green post”, Avenir 3502 team under the direction of Professor Karine Clément at the Human Nutrition Laboratory (directed by Professor Arnaud Basdevant), Hôtel Dieu, Paris, France.

1999 – 2002

Post-doctoral research student position at ICGM, Cochine Institute of Molecular Genetics, UP 415, CNRS, Paris, France (directed by Professor A.D. Strosberg and Professor P.O. Couraud).

1997 – 1999

PhD student at the Institute of Human Morphology, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Ancona, Italy. Research in the field of human obesity. Professor Saverio Cinti, Polytechnic University.

1995 – 1996

Intern at the Laboratory of Analysis and Pathological Anatomy “Infirm”, Rimini Hospital, Italy.