Professor of Nutrition, Director of INSERM Laboratory 1073 “Nutrition, Inflammation and Dysfunction of the Gut-Brain Axis” (2008-2021), Head of the Department of Nutrition, Rouen University Hospital (2003-2023).

Pierre Déchelotte, MD, PhD, Professor of Nutrition at the Rouen University Hospital since 2001, created and directed the INSERM 1073 laboratory “Nutrition, Inflammation and dysfunction of the gut-brain axis”. In parallel with his clinical training in Gastroenterology and Digestive Physiology in Rouen, he defended a doctoral thesis at Paris VII and deepened his knowledge of intestinal metabolism during his post-doctoral fellowship in Hanover. He then turned to nutrition and continued his career at a university hospital in Rouen where he created and developed the Department of Clinical Nutrition.
He promotes the concept of the “gut-brain axis” and develops experimental and clinical research on the relationships between food, microbiota and the intestinal barrier and the impact on the regulation of eating behavior. His integrative conception of the interrelations between nutrition and the microbiota-gut-brain axis is original because it gives pride of place to nutritional rehabilitation as a basis for correcting many pathologies involving this axis, while seeking to use the specific effects of certain nutrients to reinforce the expected therapeutic effects.
Pierre Déchelotte is an active member of the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN), which he chaired in 2010. He was President of the Francophone Society of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (SFNCM) for the period 2018-2021. Pierre Déchelotte is co-inventor of 30 patents and co-founder of the innovative companies TargEdys and GMTscience involved in the study of the microbiota and it’s applications in nutrition. He has published more than 250 articles in peer-reviewed journals, journals, and book chapters. He is regularly invited as an international speaker.